


My page hits counter does more than count hits. It also tells me where people are when they look at my site, and how they got here (refferals).

I always expect getting hits off my friend's blogs, or the occasional hit off the 180 staff page or even the 180 newsletter. But sometimes, people get to my blog by searching on Google.

What do they search for that leads to my blog? Here's a sample:

  • "head on" +"apply directly to the forehead"
  • tetanus shots multnomah county
  • stepupmovie
  • emo-o-matic
  • everclear lyrics "i would buy you"
  • tsunami what was said to the rose to make it

  • ...Very Interesting...


    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Very funny. I love looking at the Google searches that lead to my blog. There have been some very interesting ones!

    2. That is odd. I'll have to see what mine are like...although I'm not sure my counter does that.

    3. Great idea for a post Aaron! Enjoy your vacation.
