

A Shadow (and other reasons I know I'm getting older)

This past Monday, one of my high school students did a job shadow with me. We had a great day. No day is typical in my job. Sometimes I'm writing out a lesson, making a flyer or calendar, updating the web site and many other odd jobs.

This day, we planned a game and music for Wednesday night, went shopping for the Mid-school retreat, planed a giant lake race for the aforementioned retreat, and various other things.

As I was thinking about the day, I couldn't believe that I was at a point in life where a high school student could job shadow me. It brought to mind other signs I've noticed that I'm getting older, including:

  • The 10th Anniversary 'Jagged Little Pill' from Alanis came out this past year.
  • I was disappointed that "The Container Store" was closed and couldn't wait to go there for the first time.
  • I could spend hours at Ikea and find it fun to buy a wardrobe to store things.
  • I read 4 books over vacation and didn't complain.
...and others that just aren't coming to mind right now.

Maybe the brain cells are going into long-term hibernation.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I love the container store! I guess that puts me in the old crowd. Do-oh!
