

It is done

Yes, your eyes did not deceive you. Your RSS reader accurately said that I posted again.

The past few months have been a rough go for my blogging. No, I haven't lost the itch to write. In fact, it's growing. Life has been busy and I spent time doing many other things, some of which I will get to in future posts, some, probably not.

But I write this post now to say that I had a strange experience today—A once-in-a-lifetime experience. I walked off the Multnomah Bible College campus today for the last time as an undergraduate student.

That's right, I took my last final, handed in my mail box key, grabbed my cap and gown and said goodbye. Sadly, my tassel says '07. That is only sad because my high school cap tassel says '97 and I am not a doctor.

Nevertheless, the day has arrived. I will not walk across the floor of a stage to receive my diploma, rather I will walk onto a stage in Salem to help lead worship for hundreds of middle school kids. Now that's exciting!

I'll have more to write later. Really! Thanks to all of those who put time, effort, trust and encouragement into this milestone in my life.


  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

    That is so awesome Aaron. I remember that feeling well! Congratulations. Next Friday night is going to be great too!

    Glad to see you have re-entered the world of blogging. Keep it coming! You have the time now.

  2. Major Congratulations to you Aaron. You have great perserverance!

  3. Congratulations!!!!

    I'm also glad you're back to blogging.

  4. Oh, and might I add that while my husband's college tassle will also read "2007," his high school one read "1992." So you're not doing too badly.
