

Happy Birthday Mom

It's an interesting thing remembering a birthday of someone who cares not how old they are anymore. This would have been mom's 57th. It's been a hard year and a half, but a good one too. And I think she would be happy that we're moving forward, not forgetting the past, but moving on into all the new things God has for our lives while we're still here on this earth. It's nice seeing her mannerisms, traits, passions & gifting passed down to us kids and in my dad. More on the moving forward in a post to come. May you use your time to glorify God.


  1. Your mom was so loved and inspired so many. I have been thinking about her and your family quite a bit today on her Birthday. I am proud of your family to be able to honor the past, and also look to the future.

  2. Grandma Darrow1:50 PM

    Found your blog again, after such a long time. It is now noted in my address file.
    Read this on January 15, 2010.
    I think it was harder this year, than last year. I can hardly think of your Mom without tearing up. Oh, how I loved that girl.
    But, life has moved on kindly. Your Dad and Denise are happily vacationing in Hawaii. And your little brother Andrew is on his own at Notre Dame. Your sister Annie is taking her place in the world as a fantastic photographer. Her photos of the family snow-shoeing event show not only God's handiwork in the mountains, but His comfort and peace through the Holy Spirit shown on all of your faces. God is GOOD all the time. I am so thankful that your Dad loved my daughter so much. All of you are my pride and joy.
    Hugs, Grandma Darrow
